NEPA offers Filipino companies the best in analysis and consultation services. We consider this one our ways of ensuring that the quality of Filipino interests remain strong and advance using the latest theories available.
We offer the following:
- Risk Analysis
- Labor Management Productivity Seminars
- Feasibility Studies
- Assessment Consultation
- Strategic Planning
- Consultancy
- Supply Chain Management
- Diversity Management
- Organizational Development
- Green Technology Management
- Green Architectural Consultancy
Our services are rendered by the highest-qualified team of experts in the country, reflecting our belief in self-sustainability and self-advancement.
Our technical experts are as follows:
1. Dr. Jorge V. Sibal
Member, Board of Directors
He served as Dean of School of Labor and Industrial Relations (SOLAIR) of the University of the Philippines, Diliman. He has published scores of books on industrial relations and is a sought after consultant of numerous top 1000 corporations in the Philippines.
His brief bio is as follows:
- Professor 9 and Dean, UP SOLAIR, 2005-2011
- U.P. School of Labor and Industrial Relations (SOLAIR), Diliman, Quezon City
- Affiliate Professor, U.P. Open University, Los Banos, Laguna
- BSBA ‘71, Dip. in IR ‘79, MIR ’82, UP Diliman
- National Expert, Asian Productivity Organization (APO),Tokyo,Japan
- Researcher, International Labor Organization (ILO),Genevaand DLSU-AKI,Manila
- Social Compliance Associate, ECOP, ILO and Verite
- Secretary, Phil. Industrial Relations Society (PIRS)
- Licensed real estate broker & Director, Sibal Realty and Development Corporation
- Vice Chair & Trustee, Urban Missionaries Foundation, Inc., 2002-2009
- Co-Convenor, Fair TradeAlliance(FTA)
- Trustee and Secretary, Philippine Employer and Labor Social Partners, Inc.
Books Authored
- Human Resource Development, Industrial Relations and Management in the Philippine Setting: A Guidebook, 2008
- Philippine Labor and the Economy, 2008
- Changes and Challenges: 60 Years of Struggle Towards decent Work, 2008
- Theories in Industrial Relations, 2009
- Management Values, Principles and Culture, 2010
- Affiliate Professor: UP Cebu, School of Management, UP Mindanao, DavaoCity; and Management Sciences Div., UP College Baguio
- Director, UP SOLAIRCenterfor Labor & Grassroots Initiatives (CLGI),
- 2002 Gawad Chanselor awardee for “Best Extension Program”
- Coordinator, UP SOLAIR Labor Education & Ext’n. Program (LEEP), 1996 Sikap-Gawa Industrial Peace awardee for training and research by the Bishops-Businessmen’s Conference for Human Development & 1996 Gawad Chanselor awardee for “Pinakamahusay na Pahinungod”
- Senior Lecturer, MBA Program, UPCollegeofBusiness Administration
- Professor, Graduate Studies in Business and Economics (GSBE) Program, De la Salle University, Manila & MBA/MPA Program, Philippine Women’s University
- Director, Sports Development,Quezon CityGovernment
- Consultant, Vice Mayor’s Office,Quezon City
- Marketing Consultant, Real Estate Exchange, Inc.,Makati
- Personnel and Administrative Manager, Black Mountain, Inc.,Makati
- Project Manager, Bancom Realty Corporation,Makati
- Account Manager, J. Walter Thompson Co. Ltd. (Mla.),Manila
- President, UP IR Alumni Association-UPAA Chapter
Tenured Associate Professor
- Social Sciences Department and Graduate Program in Management
- College of Arts and Sciences
- University of the Philippines Manila
- Graduate School of Management
- College of Arts and Sciences
- University of the Philippines Manila
Member of the Board
- Sentro ng Wikang Filipino
- University of the Philippines Manila
- Malaya Business Insight, the Philippine national newspaper
Senior Philippine Delegate, Tenth AUN (ASEAN University Network) Education Forum hosted by the University of Brunei Darussalam, Bandar Seri Bagawan, May, 2008
Moderator, Dean’s Monthly Roundtable, CAS UP Manila, 2007-present
Chair, Kaisahan para sa Kamalayan sa Kasaysayan (KAMALAYSAYAN, Inc.)
Member, Pi Gamma Mu International Honor Society in Social Science
Certificate of Recognition as an “Outstanding Teacher” for Academic Year 2007-2008
- Public Policy and Program Administration
- Local Government
- Understanding Mass Media
- World War 2
- China Studies
- Indigenous Filipino Healers
- Editing, Translation

Member, Board of Directors
Rafael Nelson Aboganda serves as president of NEPA from 1996 – 2000 and continues to serve as member of the board of directors.
His brief bio is as follows:
NELSON ABOGANDA is a consultant on creative education and training, environmental management, development planning and management, development economics, urban renewal and rural development planning, and local governance. He is an inventor and a social/community innovator. He launched The InventSchool™, a training program for young inventors, in July 1973. He also initiated the organization of the InventClub™, an association of young inventors and inventive researchers in 1980.
He played a key role in shaping creative education and creativity training programs in the Philippines as well as the promotion of inventive activities and local inventions since 1971.
He is co-founder of Likhaan Institute Foundation, Inc. (LIFI), The InventSchool™ International, Inc.(TISI), Social Inventions & Community Innovations, Inc. (SICI) and The Likhaan Group, Inc. (TLG), organized in 1980, 1988, 1989 and 2006 respectively. He is presently the president of The Likhaan Group, Inc. (TLG) and manages three of its memberorganizations
The InventSchool™, Likhaan Institute and Social Inventions & Community Innovations.
Concurrently, he is the editor of The Creativity Journal and Likhaan Newsletter
Project consultant, Quezon City Housing & Urban Renewal Authority (HURA).
Solid waste management consultant, Conexor Sensus AB, a Swedish consultancy firm, for the Solid Waste Management component of Project: Micropolis, Department of the Interior & Local Government (DILG) funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).
Environmental management consultant, Andante Consultants AB, a Swedish consultancy firm, for the Environmental Management for Sustainable Agriculture and Agro-Industrial Development project of the Department of Agriculture funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).
Technical consultant on municipal development planning and training, Philippine Rural Institutional Strengthening Programme (PRISP), a joint project of the Department of Agriculture and the Commission of the European Union.
Project development consultant for water supply and other infrastructure projects, Acemont Infrastructures, Inc., Quezon City.
Faculty member, Department of Construction Engineering, Oman Technical Industrial College (OTIC), now Higher College of Technology (HCT), in the Sultanate of Oman.
Program manager for shelter, environment and estate development, University of Life (UL), Pasig City.
Development planning and research manager, Small Islands Development Project (SIDPO), Ministry of Human Settlements.
Technology development consultant, Technology Resource Center (TRC), Makati City.
Program officer/research associate, Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP), Makati
Information officer and publication editor, lecturer and trainer onscientific-and-technological creativity and industrial innovations, Philippine Inventors Commission (PIC), Quezon City.
Educational Attainment
Bachelor of Science (Physics), University of the Philippines, Diliman
Masters in Technology Management, University of the Philippines, Diliman
Work Experience
- Licensing Officer, Technology Transfer and Business Development Office
- Office of the Vice President for Development
- University of the Philippines System
- University Intellectual Property World Intellectual Property Organization
- Coordinator for the Philippines Geneva
- Trustee, Intellectual Property Alumni Association
- Board Member, Sibol ng Agham at Teknolohiya (SIBAT)
- Managing Director, Center for Alternative Development in Information Management
- And Consultancy (CALDEV)
- Vice Chairman for Marketing, Filipinas Organic Coconut Products Corp.
- COO, Teknologika Pilipinas, Inc.
Training and Instruction –conduct of lectures on the history of interaction of science, technology and society; microelectronics, computer and information technology, biotechnology and advanced energy technologies; social aspects of science and technology; and science technology and national development.
Technology Licensing – responsible for the technology transfer of university intellectual properties to the industry and other technology users through licensing mechanism.
Sectoral Organizing – building professional and academic organizations of scientists, engineers and technologists.
Project Management – establishment of science centrum and information centers.
Research and Development Management – establishment of small Research and Development group within cooperatives in rural communities and in Small and Medium Enterprises.
Technology Transfer – identification, development and provision of necessary technology, including organizational, cost-benefit analysis and marketing services for integrated village-level processing of coconut and sugar in the country.
Project Monitoring – conduct of field visits, assessment and evaluation report of technical activities of international NGO partner organizations in the Philippines.
Dr. Rene E. Ofreneo is Professor XII and Former Dean (3 x) of the School of Labor and Industrial Relations (SOLAIR), University of the Philippines. He is a UP Centennial Professor awardee, for 2009 and for 2011, and is a recipient of the UP International Publication Award seven times.
After his stint as DOLE Undersecretary for Labor Relations in 1997-98 (at the height of the Asian financial crisis), Dr. Ofreneo focused on doing labor relations and labor market studies in the Asia-Pacific. He was in the board of the HK-based Asia Monitor Resource Center, has served as a research consultant of the Union Network International, and sits in the board of The Journal of Industrial Relations (Sydney) and the Asia-Pacific Business Review (London). He produced a booklet, A Toolkit for Labour Law Reform Advocacy (2011, Singapore: ITUC-AP), for the Asia-Pacific Regional Organization of the International Trade Union Confederation.
In 2010, the Department of Labor and Employment requested Dr. Ofreneo to edit the centenary book of the Department, Balik-Tanaw, Bagong Pananaw (2011, Manila: Institute of Labor Studies). He has served the tripartite parties in the Philippines (employers, trade unions and labor agencies) in various capacities — as researcher, consultant and lecturer. He was involved in several Labor Code reviews, including one initiated by DOLE in the early 1990s and by the Congressional Oversight Committee on Labor and Employment in the 11th and 12 Congresses. He was President of the National Academy on Voluntary Arbitration from 1999 to 2008.
Dr. Ofreneo has been a consistent exponent of economic nationalism and Philippine industrialism, which he believes should be the basis of unity for all sectors of society. He joined the National Economic Protectionism Association (NEPA) in the dark years of martial law and pushed for economic nationalism in the neo-liberal decades of the 1980s and 1990s. He became NEPA President in the mid-1990s, when neo-liberalism had become a global Washington Consensus. Later, he brought the NEPA ideas at the Fair Trade Alliance, where he served as its founding Executive Director (2001-2008). The Fair Trade Alliance, a unique industry-labor-CSO multi-sectoral coalition, sought tariff and non-tariff level playing field for local industry.
Today, his advocacy for economic nationalism is extended through the promotion of green jobs in a greener economy and the strengthening of the social security system in the Philippines and Asia. He is a founding Trustee of the Climate Change Congress of the Philippines and the Board Secretary of the Philippine Society for Social Security and Labor Law. He is also a founding Trustee of the Philippine Employer-Labor Social Partnership, Inc.